Beyond the Weekend

October 24 | Finish Well

October 24, 2014

Text: Hebrews 12.1-2

As we look back over the life of Samuel, we see a man who finished well. He lived his life with integrity, continuity, and faithfulness (1 Samuel 12.1-5). When those around him faltered, he stayed the course.

In fact, as we look at many of the leaders in the Bible, few stayed the course through the beginning, middle, and end as Samuel did. David started and ended well, but had a period of faithlessness in the middle. Solomon started well, but ended poorly. Paul started poorly but ended well.

“Holy redundancy” is the phrase Pastor Manion used to describe Samuel’s life. He went through the circuit of his responsibilities day after day, year after year. His pattern of faithfulness not only served others well, but served him well. When he faced countless crises as the last “judge” of Israel, he knew how to trust God out of habit.

May it one day be said that you lived a life of “holy redundancy.”

Today, read Hebrews 12.1-2 and memorize 12.1.

May we all, like Paul as he faced execution, be able to say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4.7).

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