Beyond the Weekend

October 27 | Lost

October 27, 2014

Text: Luke 15.1-32

In Luke 15, we find Jesus telling three stories of lost things being found: a sheep, a coin, and a son. Jesus compares the sheep with an aimless wanderer not knowing his way home; and he compares the coin with a person who can’t be found until someone goes searching for him.

Jeff Manion, senior teaching pastor, reminded us Jesus’ words are less about losing livestock or money and more about the infinite capacity we all have to lose our way.

We all find ourselves lost at times, but no one likes to admit it. Even after admitting we’re lost, we—like the son—fear the return home. Many times we’d rather keep up appearances and act as if we’re bravely handling our confusing journey. But by failing to admit we’re lost, we keep wandering: exploring whatever looks interesting, pleasing, and comforting rather than evaluating what’s really going on inside.

This is precisely why Jesus asks, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world and [lose] their soul” (Mark 8.36)?

Over the next weeks, we’ll explore Jesus’ pursuit of the lost through the sermon series, Found. We’ll see how Jesus is on a search and rescue mission in all of his encounters, including as he seeks us. In Luke 19.10 Jesus says, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

Today, as we begin this new series, write this verse down and memorize it. Then put it in a prominent place where you can return to it throughout this series.

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