Beyond the Weekend

March 27 | God Wins

March 27, 2015

Text: Philippians 1.3-6

In Luke 21 Jesus tells his disciples a lot of terrible things are going to happen: Jerusalem will fall and they will suffer and be persecuted. But he also jumps to the “end of the story” where he returns and makes all things new. The knowledge that, in the end, Jesus returns and completes the work he started, gives us the sustaining strength we need to live for today.

God wins! That should be enough to take us through every trial as we trust in his strength and power.

As you begin your day, give thanks to God for his plan to keep growing us through our trials and eventually bringing us into his presence, ready for eternity. Use Philippians 1.6 as the basis for your thanksgiving, “There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears” (The Message).

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