Beyond the Weekend

May 29 | Response

May 29, 2015

Text:  Psalm 19.12-14

While God may seem illusive, intangible, and difficult to grasp at times, we recognize he has revealed himself to us through creation, Scripture, and Jesus. Because he has, our response matters. We can either ignore what God reveals or we can celebrate his creation, treasure his Word, and trust his Son. The choice is up to us. Just remember:  how we respond reveals something about us and our choice will determine the quality and trajectory of our life.

After recognizing God’s glorious qualities in creation, and his precious relationship with him through the Scriptures, David concludes his glorious song. By inviting God into his heart to discern his response, revealing both conscious and unconscious sins and asking for grace in pleasing him, David’s words become a model for responding to God’s revelation. As you welcome God into your day, read today’s Scripture aloud as a prayer back to God.

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