Beyond the Weekend

July 6 | Kindness

July 6, 2015

Text: Galatians 5.22-25

This past weekend Aaron Buer, senior high pastor, taught us about the power of kindness. It’s tempting to look at kindness as one of the “weaker” virtues, but this isn’t the case. Kindness can radically transform our relationships as we find its power in the very character of God. God’s kindness towards us serves as the model of our kindness towards one another.

In Galatians 5.25 we’re reminded that the fruit of the Spirit comes as a result of “keeping in step” with the Spirit. In other words, when we walk close to God we become like him. We become the kind of people who mirror and live out the very character of God.

Kindness defined is: a strong disposition for the good will of another person. For us, God’s kindness is most powerfully showered upon us in the person and work of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2.7). Even while we were enemies of God, his heart ached for our good will; he wanted to rescue us, and he wanted to make us his children (Romans 5.8). Beyond all of that, God has poured out his kindness on us in an infinite number of other ways as well!


As you welcome God into your day, take some time to reflect upon God’s kindness. Start with Jesus, and then consider all the other ways God has poured out his goodwill in your life. Take a few minutes to name your blessings and thank God for them.

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