Beyond the Weekend

July 30 | Calling

July 30, 2015

Text:  Ephesians 4.1-6
As followers of Jesus we’re called to live in unity with others. While this is true in our families, this passage in Ephesians speaks to our lives together with others in the church. The Apostle Paul says we’re to “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4.3). It’s our responsibility to keep the unity God produced through the death of Jesus, a responsibility that means we do all we can. We’re to expend every effort.

A significant part of maintaining unity involves gentleness, a Spirit-empowered effort we’ll have to demonstrate time after time as we “bump into each other” in the church. Simply stated, there’s no way we can have nearly 10,000 people attend Ada Bible Church without frustrations, misunderstood motives, and inappropriate comments occasionally bubbling to the surface. It’s going to happen. When it does, we can choose to fracture the “unity of the Spirit,” or we can choose to rely on this same Spirit’s power to respond with humility and gentleness.

As you welcome God into your day, begin to memorize Ephesians 4.2. You can do it—it’s only 13 words. But these 13 words will make all the difference the next time unity is at stake.

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