Beyond the Weekend

September 16 | Foundations

September 16, 2015

Text: Luke 6.47-49

The disciple who learns to see and act in the world as Jesus calls the disciple to do is able to face the floods, that is, the disappointments and injuries that life often brings (Darrell L. Bock, Luke-The NIV Application Commentary, p.199).

To make sure his disciples understand the difference between hearing and doing, Jesus tells the story of two men, each building their own house. The first (representative of those who do what Jesus says) built his house on a solid foundation, while the second (representative of those who don’t) didn’t use any foundation. The results, when life’s storms came crashing, we’re predictable.

While both of these men built houses that looked identical, the crucial difference was in the foundation, the decision to put Jesus’ words into practice or not. When we do what Jesus says, we’re able to withstand life’s punishing storms. Hearing is not enough. What we hear must influence what we do.

Today, consider this week’s One Big Question: How did a teaching of Jesus redirect a key decision or reshape your response to another person?  Discuss your answer with a trusted friend, your small group, or around the table after a meal.

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