Beyond the Weekend

November 19 | Party

November 19, 2015

Text: Luke 15.11-32

When something—or someone—lost is found, it’s time for a party. All three stories Jesus tells in Luke 15 end with a celebration: “Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep…Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin…he was lost and is found. So they began to celebrate” (Luke 15.6, 9, and 24). When Jesus finds us, and we truly repent, there is rejoicing in heaven—even involving angels (Luke 15.10)—like nothing we’ve seen here on earth!

Our response to God’s rescue of lost people should be the same as his—it’s time to celebrate! One way we celebrate is when we hear of these “rescues” at a baptism service. With the family and friends of those God has saved, we share the joy of someone who was lost and now is found. Click here to view a recent baptism service and join the celebration by planning on attending our next baptism service, Saturday, December 12, 7 pm at the Cascade Campus.

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