Beyond the Weekend

August 12 | Reflections on Sabbath Rest

August 12, 2016

Matthew 11.28-29

Today, practicing Sabbath may be radically different from one person to another. A day of rest will look different for a young mother, a retired couple, a college student, or parents of teenagers. Yet, resting is important for everyone.

Learning to rest is often difficult. Like learning a foreign language or taking piano lessons, it might take time to feel comfortable. We must not focus on perfecting it, but on making growth.

Pastor Jeff Manion gives us five areas of advice to help us rest. First, we need to see a day of rest not as a reward for getting all our work done, but as more of a needed break. Second, we need to avoid “to do” lists. Third, we may need to develop a “don’t do” list to help us really rest. Fourth, we need to experiment and explore to find those things that awaken our spirit to the people around us and to God. Fifth, we need to prepare so the day can actually be restful.

As you consider the five areas of advice, how can you implement them into your rest routine? Take some time to identify what you think would be a rest for you. What would you find refreshing or restful? Take time this weekend to Sabbath.

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