Beyond the Weekend

August 15 | Honor Your Parents

August 15, 2016

Exodus 20.1-17

This past weekend Senior Teaching Pastor Jeff Manion discussed the importance of honoring our parents. In Exodus 20.12, the word honor comes from the Hebrew word kaved, which means “weighty.” In other words, to honor our parents means to treat them as weighty or heavy. By inference, to dishonor is to treat as nothing, or to take lightly.

This week we’ll explore how honoring our parents changes as child and parent age together. What it means for a 13-year-old is different from that of an adult child honoring an aging parent.

God gave us parents, parents who have a God-given place of honor. This doesn’t mean they always behave honorably, but it does mean we’re called to honor them for their role, regardless of their character. The best scenario, certainly, is when we get to honor our parents for their role and their character. As we humbly submit ourselves to God’s structure of authority and honor, he blesses us with freedom and joy.

As we’ve done throughout this series, begin the week by memorizing Exodus 20.12, “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” Let us take seriously God’s command to treat our parents with the weight they deserve.

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