Beyond the Weekend

November 25 | Stewardship

November 25, 2016

Colossians 4.15

Near the end of the list of eleven people whom Paul mentions is a woman, Nympha. We know two things about her: she lived just down the road in Laodicea and the church met in her house. Because churches didn’t have separate buildings, they met at homes large enough to accommodate the group. These homes were often, by their nature, owned by wealthy people.

This seems to be the case with Nympha. She used her resources for the benefit of the church and the good of others. In the same way her “stuff” was at God’s disposal, so should ours. This includes both our money and our time. As Pastor Manion said, “If I’ve given my life to Jesus, except for my time and money, then I haven’t given my life to Jesus.”  This sobering truth may require some significant changes.

Today, and as you move through the weekend, do an “inventory” of your allocation of time and resources. Are they where they need to be? If not, begin the process of making the changes God is calling you to make.

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