Beyond the Weekend

March 10 | You Can’t Do It All

March 10, 2017

Mark 1.29-39

If Jesus—God in human skin—found it necessary to escape the noise and commune with his Father, how much more do we need to find a quiet place to spend time with our Father? –Jeff Manion [Dream Big, Think Small page 109]

In today’s Scripture passage, Jesus retreats to solitude and prayer after a grueling season of healing and casting out demons. While the people around him are clamoring for more and more—Jesus decides it’s best to depart and continue his teaching ministry instead. This was not popular or easy but it’s what God wanted him to do. Not even Jesus could do it all.

This should be liberating for us. God has placed opportunities in front of us we should pursue. We’ve been uniquely equipped and called to serve. But it’s impossible to do everything. Discerning what we should and shouldn’t do requires connecting with the Father. Often this means retreating to a quiet place, holding these opportunities before the Lord and listening intently for his leading.

On page 110 of the Dream Big, Think Small book, Jeff encourages us to find a place of solitude to consider two questions: (1) What’s one opportunity I believe is from God I need to say yes to? (2) What’s one opportunity to which I need to say no? Give yourself space to quiet your heart. Don’t rush this. Take time to record at least two things you should be doing and two things you shouldn’t in this season of your life.  Allow God to speak into your life today.

This sermon series is a companion to the book by Jeff Manion, Dream Big, Think Small.

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