Beyond the Weekend

March 31 | Goodness Grows Slowly

March 31, 2017

Galatians 6.7-10

You can’t rush a harvest. You plow, you plant, and you wait. There’s a gap between burying a tomato plant in the soil and enjoying salsa months later. ~ Jeff Manion [DBTS, pg. 206]

Cultivating a life of significant impact can be as interesting as watching a garden grow. You plant. You wait. Goodness grows slowly. Six weeks ago, Pastor Manion challenged us, “Don’t break the chain.” How are you doing?

Many of us grow impatient, restless, and bored searching for the next “big thing.” Pastor Manion reminds us in video clip below from the weekend service that other people depend on your diligence. Your kids count on your presence to coach, correct, and encourage them. Your workplace depends on your daily routines. Your spouse longs for your attention, love, and forgiveness. Your church counts on your service and generosity. Your life affects other people’s lives. So keep showing up, keep planting, and do not grow weary in doing good for the harvest will come.

Explore the exercises on pages 209-211 of Dream Big, Think Small. Skim through the book and rediscover what you marked, highlighted, or wrote in the Reflection segments. Compile a list on page 210 of potential priorities for this next season of your life. Review your list and ask God to lead you to identify two or three of these priorities and develop a plan. When and how will you carve out time to do it? Write these down along with your plan on page 211.

This sermon series is a companion to the book by Jeff Manion, Dream Big, Think Small.

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