Beyond the Weekend

April 28 | Belief

April 28, 2017

John 20.30-31 

This week we looked at the first of the seven signs John gives in his biography of Jesus. John tells us he wrote the signs down so that we would believe. For each of us, there is always another layer of belief and trust. Whether we are skeptically considering belief, drifting in our faith, or our faith is old and cold, the master of the feast is calling us to believe. Mark records an interesting exchange between a father and Jesus, culminating in the father stating “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief” (Mark 9.24)!

In John 2.11, the disciples respond to the miracle with belief. Yet, later the disciples respond to the miracle of the resurrection with further belief in John 20. As we follow Jesus, there will always be another layer of belief and trust.

As we end the week, take one or two sticky notes or 3×5 cards and write “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief” on them. Place them somewhere you will frequently see them as a visual reminder that our trust in Jesus needs to be growing.

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