Beyond the Weekend

June 7 | Strange Justice

June 7, 2017

Habakkuk 1.12-13

Habakkuk is genuinely confounded. God is going to bring tough consequences on his people for their disobedient behavior. But he’s going to do so by raising up the Babylonian super power. The Babylonians had no reverence for God and were brutal beyond compare. How could God be good in this situation? The Lord answers Habakkuk’s complaints in verses 2.2-20, “Don’t you worry—they’re going to get theirs too.” Habakkuk is reminded it’s not his problem to worry about their judgment. He just needs to obey.

We experience levels of injustice every day. We may bear the weight of other’s poor decisions or work in an oppressive environment. We may be wrongly accused or taken advantage of by a greedy salesman. It’s natural to desire retribution for the evil done against us. But God reminds us that it’s his problem—not ours. He is the one capable of handling it. Instead of harboring judgment and bitterness, we need to surrender it to God and allow him to bear the weight of justice.

Take a moment to write on a piece of paper the injustice you’re struggling to reconcile. Then, hold this paper with open hands and palms facing up. Pray a prayer like this, releasing this burden to God’s care, “Dear God, you know how I’ve been hurt and taken advantage of. You know the motives of those behind my pain. I release this burden to you, entrusting to you the weight of justice only you can bear. Please help me to trust you, obey you and rejoice in you.”

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