Beyond the Weekend

September 25 | Present Situation

September 25, 2017


Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. Philippians 1:12

Read: Philippians 1:12-26

Listen: Philippians 1


Paul opens today’s scripture by revealing the news that his trip has not turned out the way he hoped. He knows this will surprise and concern his beloved friends in Philippi. They have faithfully supported Paul through prayer and financial generosity in his mission to advance the gospel. Paul needs to tell them he is in “the waiting room” of prison and awaiting trial.

Recognizing this coaching opportunity, Paul gives the growing church in Philippi a gift. He shows his beloved friends how to suffer well as we listen in on an ancient conversation that has profound relevance for each of us today. In his sermon this weekend, Senior Pastor Jeff Manion used the image of a waiting room to describe the difficulty of being stuck in unwanted circumstances. We all know the feeling and frustration of being stuck waiting for our circumstances to get better. This week, we’ll explore and practice how to honor Christ when we find ourselves in the waiting room. The Apostle Paul will show us that it is possible to endure anything if we are convinced our suffering advances the gospel.


Turn to page 15 in your Philippians: Choosing Joy Under Pressure journal and circle each reference Paul makes to Christ and the Gospel. Now, identify your “waiting room.” Write it down on page 18. Then offer God a prayer as you ask him to help you orient your life around Christ and the gospel during this waiting season.

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.

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