Beyond the Weekend

November 21 | School of Contentment

November 21, 2017


I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want.  Philippians 4:12b

Read: Philippians 4:10-13

Listen: Philippians 4


We are not born with the contentment gene. Contentment is something we learn as we trust God moment by moment. This was true for the Apostle Paul through years of intense training.  Read 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 to see the extreme challenges Paul endured in his service to God. On the other side, Paul also was familiar with affluence and wealth—things not necessarily friends to joy and contentment.

Paul’s ability to rejoice in the Lord always was something he learned through regular dependence on God regardless of his trial or blessing.  He counted all things as loss in comparison to knowing Christ Jesus.

Contentment is not achieved by getting everything we want but by training our heart to experience full joy and deep peace even when we don’t. We often have an “it”—that one thing we think we need to be happy and content.  It might be an upgrade like a new house, different car or fancy vacation. Or it might simply be relief from a difficult situation like divorce litigation, job hunt or a struggling child. Whatever “it” is for you, we cannot let it become the thing that keeps us from having a spirit that’s fully alive to God and others. Watch the video clip below from Senior Pastor Jeff Manion.


Take a moment to offer a prayer to God reorienting your heart towards him. Pray something like, “Dear God, you know the desires of my heart, and I surrender them to your goodness and wisdom. I know that only you can satisfy my heart. Help me find joy in focusing on your goodness and blessing. Help me to be content today in you alone.”

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.

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