Beyond the Weekend

August 14 | Trouble…Once Again

August 14, 2018


Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone. For my enemies speak against me; those who wait to kill me conspire together. Psalm 71:9-10

Read: Psalm 71:9-13

Listen: Psalm 71


It’s naïve to think, as we get to middle-age or beyond, that our most significant challenges are behind us. A glance in our rearview mirror reminds us of challenging days in high school, infertility or employment struggles. It’s also naïve to think, if we’re not there yet, that the future will be filled with care-free days as we move into retirement and enjoy the fruits of our labor. Perhaps that’s what David thought as well. But it’s not what he experienced.

David had slain a giant, outlasted a king who wanted to kill him and was now ruling a peaceful kingdom. Life was good. That is until his son Absalom leads a coup, and he is forced to flee, pursued by people whom he thought were loyal to him. Now facing challenges in old age that he thought were behind him, David is again running and fears he may no longer have the energy to fight and endure. He’s in trouble…once again.

We need to remember that life is filled with problems. Because of the brokenness of our world, it’s not uncommon to experience problem after problem at any stage of life.


In your journal, ask yourself the question, “When do I think life will get easier and why?” As you reflect on your answer, spend time in conversation with God about what you wrote. If you’re currently in a time of “trouble…once again,” and don’t know where to turn, we’d love to have a conversation with you. Send us an email at

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.

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