Beyond the Weekend

November 27 | Who is Great

November 27, 2018


Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them… Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” Mark 10:42-43

Read: Mark 10:42-44

Listen: Mark 10


Because we live after the cross, the idea of serving others isn’t new. John Dickson writes, “It is difficult to convey just how radical this notion [of serving] would have seemed to the first disciples.” In Jesus’ time, no self-respecting Jew, Roman or Egyptian would have seen being a servant as something to admire. People simply did not throw themselves into servitude. Their goal was very different—to achieve public honor for yourself and your family. Serving was not in the picture.

Imagine how this confused and disrupted the disciples’ plans to march into Jerusalem with Jesus when he became King. Their plan was to be named to sit on his “presidential” cabinet. We really aren’t that different. Our culture also values being important, honored, in charge and remembered for who you are and what you do. Jesus’ way to greatness is counter-cultural. He doesn’t say you’re bad for wanting honor and power. But he does say that is not the way to greatness. Watch the video clip below as Pastor Jeff Manion describes how Jesus changes “greatness.”


Think about how you define greatness. Reflect a moment on Jesus’ scale of greatness and consider where you are in terms of serving others. If Jesus was your life-coach, what would he say needs to change in your life? Ask him to open you up to daily possibilities of serving others.

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.

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