Beyond the Weekend

April 12 | Life

April 12, 2019


Elisha turned away and walked back and forth in the room and then got on the bed and stretched out on him once more. The boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes. 2 Kings 4:35

Read: 2 Kings 4:29-37

Listen: 2 Kings 4


Elisha wants to heal the boy and begins to try different things to see if something will work. Elisha’s reaction is such a human one—he doesn’t know what to do and begins the process of trial and error. He may have been a man of God—but he was just a man and not God. Eventually, after praying and laying his body out on top of the boy, the boy comes back to life. The mother and her son restored once again.

It is hard to hear this story and not begin to think about some of the healings that Jesus would do later. Jesus would heal those who were blind, lame, and deaf. This same Jesus called himself living water. He called himself the bread of life, the way, and a number of other things. He was not just a man who brought some healing—he is the Lord of life.

As we read this story and are reminded of the Lord of life, we must ask ourselves whether we really believe this and are willing to let the Lord of life mess with our life. If we do, he just might start changing our desires. He just might start calling us from our petty pursuits, some of our toys, and some of our picky complaints. But in so doing, he will be calling us into the life of blessing, hope, and life.


Wrap up this week in worship by listening to the song, This We Know. As you listen to this song, focus on how the song talks about the character of our God. That he is our peace, our hope, our victor. That he can be trusted. Finish by leaving your hands open to God and praying, “Ok, God I am open to you messing with my life.”

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.

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