Beyond the Weekend

May 14 | Peace and Conflict

May 14, 2020


READ Proverbs 14 (listen). WRITE out one verse and SHARE with someone.

Proverbs 14 is part of the proverbs of Solomon (Proverbs 10-22). These proverbs are typically two contrasting lines, giving instruction on how to live out wisdom in all of life. Proverbs 14 includes themes geared toward kindness, contempt and the heart.


Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife. Proverbs 17:1

Read: Proverbs 17:1

Listen: Proverbs 17


One dry, crusty piece of bread is hard to choke down, and certainly doesn’t satisfy hunger. It’s tiny and not even tasty.

The house across the path has a table covered with juicy meats, fresh bread and olive oil for dipping. It’s tempting to ditch the dry bread and knock on the neighbor’s door. Then one can’t help but overhear their conversations. It’s a war zone of screaming, insults and accusations. The dry bread suddenly doesn’t seem so bad. It’s not that conflict doesn’t happen in the dry-bread house, but it’s a safe place to resolve difficult issues.

We often think of good providers as those who give their loved ones new cars, big houses and plenty of food. While those things aren’t bad, they aren’t what matters most.

We also provide well with atmospheres where people know they are welcome and loved. Where laughter isn’t at the expense of someone, but with them. Where mistakes are made, but we give ample opportunity to extend and receive forgiveness.

Whether it’s in our homes, workplaces or gatherings of friends, we either provide peace and safety or contribute to war zones. King Solomon reminds us in today’s reading for The Wisdom Challenge that when we are patient, we have “great understanding” and “a heart at peace gives life to the body” (Proverbs 14:29-30).


What are you providing in your relationships? Ask God to reveal how you can bring calm and peace during these challenging times. If you are in a relationship that is unsafe, please call Safe Haven Ministries at 616-452-6664.

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.

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