Beyond the Weekend

June 12 | The Journey

June 12, 2020


READ Proverbs 12 (listen). WRITE out one verse and SHARE with someone.

Proverbs 12 is part of the proverbs of Solomon (Proverbs 10-22). These proverbs are typically two contrasting lines, giving instruction on how to live out wisdom in all of life. Proverbs 12 includes themes geared toward public opinion and the healing power of words.


Now he had to go through Samaria. John 4:4

Read: John 4:1-26

Listen: John 4


Jesus is on a journey from Judea to Galilee. There are options for him to get to Galilee without going through Samaria, but they are way out of the way. Many Jews would take the long route around because of the animosity in their hearts for the Samaritans. They just couldn’t stomach being near them. By design, Jesus walks through Samaria. The text tells us he had to. Scholars believe this means the Holy Spirit led him there.

Pastor Jeff Manion told us this is a journey worth taking and invited us to move forward. Committing to Look Back, Lean In and Love Well will help us move forward. This journey should look different for all of us as we engage our friends, co-workers and strangers with a changing perspective. But we can’t let ourselves get stuck. If we open our hearts to God and embrace the journey, our hearts will begin to reflect the heart of God toward all who bear his image. It should change our city and our church.


Reflect on whether you are stuck. Consider whether you have pursued the heart of God on this vital topic. Remember Pastor Jeff’s collective blessing, “May our gracious God open our eyes and move our feet as we take steps on this journey.”

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.

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