Beyond the Weekend

June 18 | We Follow Our Heart

June 18, 2020


READ Proverbs 18 (listen). WRITE out one verse and SHARE with someone.

Proverbs 18 is part of the proverbs of Solomon (Proverbs 10-22). These proverbs are typically two coupled thoughts, giving instruction on how to live out wisdom in all of life. Proverbs 18 includes themes geared toward someone preparing for civil service, such as discernment, character and work ethic.


Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths. Proverbs 7:25

Read: Proverbs 7:25

Listen: Proverbs 7


None of us wakes up in the morning and says, “Today I want to wreck my life.”  Straying off the path of wisdom is much more subtle. It begins in our hearts and where our heart goes—our feet will follow.

The way this works is quite deceptive. Often our heart takes us to a place we shouldn’t go when we want something, and our desires go unfulfilled. It might be escaping our difficulties with a credit card, fantasizing about a relationship with someone off-limits or playing revenge scenarios in our mind toward someone who has angered or hurt us. We rationalize that it will do us no harm.

Finding ourselves in these destructive situations, “How did I get here?” is what often we ask. The truth is our heart has been there for quite a while, and our feet finally caught up. A heart that wanders off the path of the wise and takes a detour from God is a ticking time bomb.


Consider those things you’re longing for but don’t have. Search your heart for feelings and unmet desires you are trying to fulfill on your own. Bring these desires to God today. Confess your efforts to accomplish them on your own and ask God for help. He wants to hear all of your desires (Philippians 4:6-8), and he wants to grow you (Philippians 1:6).

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.

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