Beyond the Weekend

August 4 | Yoke

August 4, 2020


“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me…” Matthew 11:29a

Read: Matthew 11:29

Listen: Matthew 11


A yoke was common on a 1st-century Jewish farm. It was a shaped wooden crosspiece used to harness two animals, usually oxen, as they pulled in unison on a plow or heavy load. The yoke allowed the farmer to maximize the efforts of his oxen as they worked together for a common goal. The word was also used as a metaphor. It was typically used for something oppressive and burdensome.

Jesus conveys a similar image when he talks about the Pharisees and the “heavy, cumbersome loads” they spiritually placed on people (Matthew 23:4). By expanding Jewish Law far beyond what God intended, the religious leaders made following God burdensome and oppressive. The people were exhausted, trying to do everything they required. It’s this yoke Jesus tells them to drop.

We’re also connected to a yoke. It could be the yoke of perfectionism as we work for the perfect holiday or perfect family photo. Maybe it’s the yoke of control as we continually manipulate and maneuver. Or it’s the yoke of needing to be included as we constantly check our phone to see what others are doing. Our yokes today are also a burden.


As you identify your yoke, pray this prayer of confession, “Father, I’m sorry that I’m connected to the yoke of _______________. I recognize it is a burden, and not how you designed me to live. I confess this to you today. I thank you that I can live in the freedom you have provided through Jesus and his death on the cross. Amen.”

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.

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