Beyond the Weekend

July 22 | Pollution

July 22, 2021


Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8

Read: Matthew 5:8
Matthew 5


Those listening to Jesus probably thought they already knew what was necessary to “see God” in the next life. It included faithfully observing a list of dos and don’ts the religious leaders had expanded to include almost every aspect of their lives. Do this, they thought, and God would welcome them into his kingdom. But as with all his teachings, Jesus turns this backward. He says it is actually in the inner person, the core of their very being, that God requires purity.

But a quick examination of our heart reveals the opposite. We have impure thoughts, think about sinful things and focus on doing things that are wrong instead of things that please God. Watch this video clip as Pastor Aaron Buer tells us the truth is we can’t have a pure heart on our own. When we place our faith and trust in Jesus, he washes us clean and gives us the purity of Christ.

Because we’ve received Christ’s purity, we can pursue purity. It means we are now able to live out our new identity and reality. We can work towards “keeping oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27). Things like angry political voices, sexually impure entertainment and certain friends bring pollution into our hearts and need to be removed. We’re to pay special attention to what we allow into our hearts. We’re to “guard our hearts” (Proverbs 4:23).


Ask yourself the question, “How’s my heart?” As you answer, look for anything that isn’t moving you towards purity. As you do, watch Ada Worship sing “Build My Life” and use the lyrics to “build your life” on the love of God. Then ask for God’s help to take the first step in removing this from your life.


Join us this year as we read through the New Testament.

Today’s reading is 1 Corinthians 11.

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.

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