Beyond the Weekend

August 27 | Full Life

August 27, 2021


I [Jesus] have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

Read: John 10:10
John 10


Describing himself as “the good shepherd” (John 10:11), Jesus says the life he gives to his followers is abundantly rich and satisfying. While eternal in scope, it begins immediately when we place our faith and trust in him. The life he offers is infinitely more meaningful than life without him because of his forgiveness, love and guidance. When he describes it as life “to the full,” Jesus is saying that the life he offers exceeds all expectations. It’s a promise he doesn’t want us to forget.

Unfortunately, we forget. We forget when we live for the applause and approval of others. When we’re struggling under the pressure to perform and look good. When we’re frantically chasing after the next goal, achievement or promotion. It’s a way of life that is empty and only temporarily fulfilling. In calling us to himself, Jesus offers so much more. He calls us to a life that exceeds all our expectations.

It’s easy to settle for so much less. When we’re tempted to seek empty, temporary things, remember Jesus’s voice saying, “Don’t.” The way of Jesus is the way of life, the life we were created for. It’s life to the full.


Rest in truth of the life Jesus offers by meditating on the lyrics of “King of My Heart.” Listen as Ada Worship sings about the goodness of God as “the wind inside my sails” and “the fire inside my veins.” Use these lyrics as a reminder of the good God we love and serve.


Join us this year as we read through the New Testament.

Today’s reading is Ephesians 2.

Download a printable PDF of the BTW week here.

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