Beyond the Weekend

January 27 | Love and Serve

January 27, 2015

Text: Romans 12.10-12

Because “life happens,” we need the love of our small group to help carry us through. We can’t carry ourselves. Like the childhood game “Red Rover,” we need to link arms to deflect the things in life running at us. We’re stronger in the bad times and the good times when we use our God-given gifts to link arms with each other.

God uses our love and devotion for one another to change us—and those we’re loving—to be like the Christ. Small groups are designed to be a safe place to rejoice over God’s blessings, mourn over loss, and help each other in times of need. When they are, we’re “devoted to one another in love” (Romans 12.10). The Greek word used here for love is” philadelphia,” or brotherly love. Small group members are to extend the kind of love seen in a healthy family unit.

Jan 27(3)

Today, pray for everyone in your group and ask God to show you someone in one of your circles who has a need you can meet perhaps by: sending a note of encouragement, offering friendship by doing an activity, or even praying together. Be creative as you love and serve someone in your small group family.


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